SPG, member of GCN group in Africa, reaches an agreement with Microsoft
SPG achieves regional agreement with Microsoft
We are delighted to announce that SPG Software Productivity Group , a partner of GCN group, has reached an agreement with Microsoft. The scope benefits all members of Global Channel Network group, and the impact results in an exponential growth of our market reach – now allowed to operate in 17 more countries, solidifies our platform (KATY), and strengthens our relationships with other potential vendors.
Such a milestone has been achieved thanks to the outstanding resilient leadership of Amel Zghal, and under the collaboration of members around the world, who contributed by facilitating valuable resources and information to make it possible.
We take pride in this accomplishment since it is aligned with the one and only GCN’s mission: empowering B2B relations to enable our members and partners gain competitive advantage, while achieving the digital transformation of the tier-2 B2B channel network worldwide.